Cornerstone not working anymore - all plugins already switched off

Hey there,

I yesterday updatet my Website to X-Theme Pro an now cannot access Cornerstone, the Footer and Header builder anymore. I always receive the attached error message. I also deactivated all plugins with the same result. Can you help me on that issue? I would like to work on the header and with Cornerstone on my page.


It’s related to this issue

If your host is running a security software it will most likely that the file will be deleted again.

Please contact your host and request to white list that file.


Ok - my host asks me to deactivate the virus scan for that specific folder (don’t really like - will you guys solve this with the next update?). However, to do this, I need to send him the folder including the file. I could not find it while searching all folders. Can you help me with that?

Hi there,

The files are in:


This has been submitted to ClamAV as a false positive but there’s no word from them yet.

They whitelisted the folder for the virus scanner. They further replied after plenty of conversation that the upload via FTP will still be checked. This is sth I can change only with adding a new FTP-user (haven t done that).

Problem still exist. Is there another reason causing the problem?

Hi there,

The cs-vendor.js is now there and not being blocked, but yes, still the same and it won’t load. It’s because of this error TypeError: response.reject is not a function. But I do check your cs.js and cs-vendor.js and that function is there.

Could you try cloning your site in staging just for testing, and please provide your FTP login credentials in a secure note.


Hi, haven t done that before. But will get a read into it and get back to you soon

Thank you for your cooperation.

Ok, done with the WP Staging Plugin

Please provide WP Admin and FTP access to your staging site.


Please see above

Both the WP Admin and FTP credentials does not work. Please check.


Ok - please try for WP

FTP-Login credentials work for me. Still not working for you?

Hey @Bstresse,

Your credentials work now. I did the following troubleshooting steps but was not proceed with the last item in this list.

  1. Cleared cache and deactivate caching plugins. Checked Cornerstone and it still doesn’t work.
  2. Disabled optimization and security plugin. Cornerstone still doesn’t work.
  3. Tried to change permalink to post name but it’s forbidden (see Secure Note). I logged in using FTP and saw that there’s no htaccess. Something in your setup is preventing the generation of the htaccess file. Please contact your host regarding this. htaccess is important in WordPress and Cornerstone’s functionality.

Many thanks for your help. I reckon this is just a case for the staging site as a htaccess file can be found within the folder of the live site

There’s a lot of rules in there and one of those could be causing the issue. Can you do the following in your live site:

  1. Clear all caches then deactivate your caching plugin
  2. Deactivate optimization and your security plugin
  3. Clear your browser’s cache
  4. Reset your htaccess file by renaming it to .htaccess-bak. Then in WP Admin Menu, go to Settings > Permalinks and just click the Save Changes button.
  5. Contact your host to increase your allocated memory or do it yourself by adding this code in your wp-config.php
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );


Done. However, I had to delete the htaccess file and uploaded a version called htaccess-bak.htaccess to the same folder. I hope that was correct. and still waiting till my host has done the changes on the wp-config

by the way, nothing works on the site anymore but I guess that is linked to the htaccess change

Hi there,

Not a problem with regard to .htaccess file.

Test your site again once you increase you increase your memory limit.


Ok, I might need your help