Cornerstone editor opens to a blank grey screen


The last time I tried to edit a page with cornerstone, all I got was a grey screen. I don’t know what would have triggered the problem as we don’t seem to have automatic updates enabled for wordpress or cornerstone.
Do you have any suggestions for what I could do to resolve this?


Hi Amy,

Thanks for reaching out.
There might be some different reasons behind your issue, I would like to suggest troubleshooting the following common issue to help us to recognize the reason.

1.Theme Related Issue
2.Plugin Conflict
3.Theme Update related issue
4.Child Theme Related issue ** if you have activated it.
5.CSS/JS Customization
6.Disabling Cache
7.Disabling CDN

If you discover that an issue is coming from a custom code or 3rd party plugin, kindly consult with a developer or contact the plugin author. Please note that we do not provide support for custom codes and 3rd party plugins.
If that does not help, please provide login credentials for your site in a secure note to examine it further, including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.


Thanks for the suggestions.

I have tried disabling every other plugin besides cornerstone, but the issue remained. Reverting to the parent theme didn’t work either.

I see that our version of cornerstone seems to be out of date, but when I try to update it the staging site breaks and throws a critical error.

Are you guys able to look into this?

Hey Amy,

In your staging site, you will need to update the X theme and the Cornerstone plugin first before you update the WordPress code. If the WordPress core is already updated, you will have to update both the X theme and Cornerstone plugin manually. Check out this documentation:

Kindly let us know how it goes.

I updated both Cornerstone and Wordpress, and now everything seems to be working great.

Thank you both so much!

You are most welcome, Amy.

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