Cornerstone and header builder not working

Try this, thanks

Hello There,

I managed to logged in and checked all files. I went to your dashboard and the custom header builder. After several step back, it turns out that the header is not showing up because it is being hidden initially.

It should be working now:

By the way, since you have installed a caching plugin W3 Total Cache, please clear your plugin cache every after making any changes before testing your site. This can cause the changes to not take place on the front end. It will eventually show up when the cache regenerates, but it’s not ideal if you’re looking to see your changes immediately. Caching plugins are best to turn on only when you’ve finished building the site.

Best Regards.



The ‘hide initially’ option was ticked but shouldn’t really make a difference in the preview mode, I turned it off and I am just checking it with another header. It still doesn’t work…

I have already mentioned throughout all of my messages that I HAVE been clearing the caches as I go.

The header and footer builder is still not working and the cornerstone builder is still running slow.

Still hoping for a solution to this.

Thanks very much.

Hi there,

First of all please kindly consider that we totally understand the frustration and do our best to find out the cause of the issue you are experiencing. Thank you for your patience and cooperation to get the hang of the problem.

To be on the same page I specifically checked the Footer Builder as you mentioned and accessed the Homepage Footer with no problem. I changed the first column and added an extra dot after shoot:

Then I accessed the Header Builder and edited the Home Header and changed the Bar initial position from Absolute to Relative. The preview was working ok and the changes saved with no problem:

I used the Google Chrome Browser (The Latest Version) on my Macbook. I suggest that you change the machine you are using and use another machine with another browser to test the case.

I temporarily deactivated the W3c Cache and the Jetpack plugins to make sure all the changes are reflected instantly.

I also installed the WP Serverinfo plugin and accessed the information by the Dashboard > WP-Serverinfo menu.

The PHP memory limit is 512 which is ok, but I suggest that you contact your hosting service provider and increase the PHP Max Script Execute Time to 300s and PHP Max Post Size to 64MB to be on the safe side.

If you have more problems kindly get back to us with the screenshot and detailed information on the exact steps you take so we can follow the steps to recreate the issue.

Really thank you for your patience and understanding.

Thanks for that. I’ll check the version of chrome I’m using. Using a MBP here too, will check php speed/size though. Thanks

Let us know how it goes!

Hi Joao,

They upped those and it works now, thanks for all your help with this, very much appreciated :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.


I am now using X PRO on another of my sites and I am STILL having the same issues, i.e. header and cornerstone page builder are not working.

Needless to say, all previous issues mentioned above have already been checked.

The standard cornerstone works fine…

Hi there,

Have you tried increasing the limit as well? I don’t see it in any configuration of your site. Unless your new site is pointing to a different directory. The directories that I checked are under /public_html/ folder. And please provide the admin login credentials as well.


As I previously stated:

“Needless to say, all previous issues mentioned above have already been checked.”

This includes the limits being raised.

I also included the site url in the secure note…

Seems that X Pro has just wasted another 7hrs of my time…I am really fed up with the X update to Pro, the feedback in this forum has room for improvement too, my posts aren’t being read properly. I posted over 3hrs ago about this current issue, clearly stating I had tried ALL the previous solutions including upping the php limits, so why does the first response back ask if I have upped my php limits??

In general the support here is ok but please X Staff, read the comments properly it is VERY frustrating, especially having to wait several hours before getting a response that basically tells me nothing…

Hi there,

I understand that you did all of that from the first site that you provided and which is now working.

And I like to clarify my previous reply first, you provided a new site with FTP credentials. I checked it and there is no added memory limit through wp-config.php, and I did search the folders just in case or maybe it’s stored in the different folder, or maybe I’m just looking on different wp-config.php. I only did is ask for confirmation if you really increased the limit since I can’t see it. I have a video recording just in case.

Or if you really added it but removed it (which is why I can’t see it), is there a reason why you removed the memory limit?

Plus, you didn’t provide the admin login credentials the time I checked it. I can’t check the actual issue at all or confirm if this is really a limit issue, all I could do is ask and wait for the answer. And this is the reason we recommend opening a new thread for each issue to avoid more confusion. What we’re discussing now is the new site where login credentials aren’t given.

And now that you provided the credentials, I checked and looks like this has multiple issues and primarily ajax related. I’ll continue checking and let you know if I find something.


As I stated originally, I had performed all of the original checks from the first site, including increasing all the limits. This has been done server-side, which is why it’s not visible in the config file. I can have my host confirm this.

I provided all the information over 16hrs ago this included the FTP login information, you can check all the sites from there so I don’t understand why you say you needed the admin login info too?

In any case, I provided this info 16hrs ago.

And please do not mention caching. The W3 plugin is deactivated and all caches have been flushed.

Hi there,

I understand that you all did that on your first site, but my question is with the second site that you provided after Christian’s reply.

With your second site, you only provided the FTP credentials, and since you said you did it through server-side, then that’s the reason I can’t find it through FTP (configuration).

Let’s say you really added it to server side, but still, there is no way for me to test it since there were no admin login credentials. And if there is, then I could install WP Server info and check your configuration since it’s done through Server Side. And maybe, there is no need for me to ask you about limit since it’s there. I’m just explaining my side as I really need to check it first before I could provide your some answer or recommendation :slight_smile:

Again, I can’t do all that without the credentials and I also need to check it, and I’m not saying you didn’t do it. I’ll let you know if I find something.


You obviously haven’t read any of the messages properly.

I have provided both wp-admin AND FTP log ins.

You can access the files from the FTP so I don’t understand what your issue is.

I have already installed wpserver so you can QUITE CLEARLY see for yourself that I have in fact checked with my host and that they have upped all the settings across all my sites.

Over 24hrs and I am still no further ahead with this.

X Team has really failed here…

Hi there,

In that case, I’ll escalate this discussion for further checking.

But I like to clarify some points from my end.

  1. You did provide both admin and FTP login credentials for your first site. And it’s all working now.

  2. If you’ll check your reply after Christian post, you only provided the FTP login credential for the second site. And you only provided the admin credentials after I requested it. And while I requested it, I also recommend checking the memory limit since I can’t find it through FTP and I can’t even check it through admin. When you reply with “As I previously stated:” while we’re now discussing with the second site (the investigation is not yet even starting) so I became curious as I can’t find anything from FTP, so I just asked. And our discussion continued, I became more curious about what’s not being read and I really like to clear things up, so I explain and explain since I’m just waiting for admin credentials :slight_smile: , and sorry if it became more confusing.

  3. Yes, they are same FTP credentials on both, but I can’t find anything so I just thought it’s pointing in wrong folders (as I stated from the previous reply) until you clear it when you said it was done through server side. But I can’t check it either since there were no admin login credentials. I’m not good at guessing :slight_smile:

All I was asking is admin credentials for the second site since I can’t confirm it through FTP whether they are on same FTP or not. What I’m saying is, I read them and I waited for your credentials and I can’t do anything while waiting. I’m wondering what part of the discussion you think I missed since we’re just starting the troubleshooting of your second site.



The part you missed is where I said (at the very beginning of the discussion) that I had done all the checks that I had performed for the same issue on the previous site that I was having issues with.

You then accused me of uploading and then deleting the increased php code in the wp-config file!!!

I did provide both the FTP and the WP login files. I already stated that I had performed all the checks as in the previous site.

This seems to be dragging on. All I would like is a solution to this issue. I feel as though you haven’t been reading my messages properly and have been asking questions that I have already provided the answers to. As far as I can see, I have provided the FTP and the WP login in info and have clearly said that I have performed all the previous checks. I have also included the wpserverinfo so you can see for yourselves the speeds.

Can the focus please be on fixing the issues with Cornerstone and the Header and Builder and not on he said / she said…


Hi there,

This thread went out of rails. One of the main problems is that although I totally understand that the symptom is the same for the new website but you continued to ask about it in the same thread. It personally took me lots of time while I was reading from top to bottom to only find that the first issue was resolved.

So I strongly suggest that you open up a new thread and give the detailed information there and also you can link the thread here for more investigation.

Now regarding the problem. I did check the case and could not find the reason that this happens. I see a warning message:

This warning is thrown if there is a PHP error hidden and not showing. But I can not be sure about that.

At the time being my suggestion is that you test these 3 steps:

  1. Contact your hosting service provider and ask them to increase the PHP Max Script Execute Time from 30s to 300s
  2. Contact your Hosting Service Provider and either upgrade the PHP version to 7.1+ or downgrade it to 5.6+
  3. Contact your hosting service Provider and ask them to enable the PHP Error Display and enable the WordPress Debug mode.
  4. Contact the hosting service provider and ask them to temporarily disable the FireWall as I periodically see this message trying to access your website:
  5. Move your website to another server or your local machine and test the case to make sure this is indeed something related to the server.

Kindly get back to us with the result of the steps above in the new thread.

I want to personally inform that I totally understand the frustration here, rest assured that I and my colleagues are here to help you get around this problem as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Hi there,

And in addition fo Christopher’s reply. I’m not accusing you of any, all I’m doing is asking. I’m sorry if I sound like that, but it’s not the accusation. All things clear up when you said it was done on server side, and I’m okay with that and you keep telling about what’s not being read, and I’m curious.

But the thing is, you didn’t get my point :slight_smile:, I only explained that I didn’t find anything through FTP, so I just asked. I didn’t say you didn’t do it, and I only gave you a scenario that what IF you removed it. And that’s all before you confirm that it’s done through server side. Again, that’s while I’m asking your admin login credentials. (There are many cases where client implemented some solution but has no effect, which may be added to different files or due to cache, and it’s my job to think all possible cause)

Yes, you provided the admin login credentials after a long discussion in which I said I’m already working on it (troubleshooting right after the credentials became available). But you keep saying what’s not being read, hence, I asked again.


Hi Christopher,

Thanks for your reply.

As I have already said several times, I have already upped the PHP Max Script Execute Time to 300s.

I was running PHP version 7.1 then was told to run 7.0, I have just tried 5.6 and it makes no difference.

I already enabled debug mode and have installed a debug script plugin to show any php errors and only get this:

Jan 20, 08:51:43

PHP Warning: include(/home/belikewa/public_html/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/belikewa/public_html/ on line 84

Would I be correct in thinking this is just because I have caching turned off?

Disabling the firewall defeats the object of having a firewall and is not a solution.

Cornerstone is running fine on my other site, I have yet to test it on the other two licenses I have.

Looking through the threads it seems that the Cornerstone upgrade has caused quite a few issues, leading me to believe it is not a server-side issue.

Any other assistance is greatly appreciated.

PS I already opened up a new thread but haven’t had any response yet.

Thanks for your help.