Hello - I would like to find out why i cant use the Cookie google font . Its in the typography section of cornerstone .
Hello There,
Thanks for writing in!
I am actually bit confused by the question. I am presuming that you are trying to change body font. Please walk-through following steps and let us know how it goes.
Please create font template From X > Launch > Templates > Fonts and then select Cookie as font. Please assign recognisable template name. Click save.
From X > Options > Typography > Body Font and select the font template name which you created. Save the changes you just made.
trying to change a heading of an h1 tag in a raw content component - the h1 tag hasnt got a class associated with it either.
Followed those instructions earlier with no success . Will try again now maybe i missed something
yea no neither the body or heading fonts change with this method - changing the style to italic however seems to work for both which is weird
Would you mind giving us access to your WordPress admin in a secure note so we could check your setup?
sure secure note is on previous message
I see the issue. This looks like a bug as it’s also happening in my test site. For now, please don’t use the Font Manager and choose Google Fonts directly in the Options.
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