Convert Plus - Zapier Connect

Hi. I’m using Convert Plus and trying to add a Zapier add-on but I can’t. The button next to it says “Validate Purchase”. That button takes me to a Convert Plus popup that says to “Sign Up and Activate” or “Purchase License”. The Sign Up button takes me to an Envato login screen.

How can I validate this and make this work?


Hello @tektonministries,

Thanks for writing in!

Please be advised that the ConvertPlus plugin is a bundled plugin. You can install this for free and we will be the one will provide the plugin updates.

With bundled plugins, you can install most of the Addons excerpt for the other Addons which will require you to validate the plugin and ask you to purchase a separate plugin license. Be advised that this policy is coming from the plugin creators. We, at Themeco, do not have any control over this policy.

Thank you for your understanding.

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