Content not loading

While working on my new homepage using cornerstone, all of a sudden the content is not loading when previewing the site. However, I can still edit everything in cornerstone. Please help :slight_smile:

Site in question:

Hi There,

The page you have sent is a password protected. We cant see the content.

Please send us the password and the login details of your site in a secure note so that we can have a look.


Done! Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi There,

I have logged in and checked your page. There is a fatal error occurring in the page. Please enable the debug mode so that we will know more about this fatal error and what is causing this. You can do this by opening wp-config.php and adding define( 'WP_DEBUG' , true ); just above /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

For example:

define('WP_DEBUG', true);

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

When you revisit the page, you should have some error output describing the issue in more detail.

Please let us know how it goes.

Thank you!

I tried doing that, but thus far I see no difference?


Hi there,

It’s not a fix, but a way to display error if there are any. Have you checked it again after enabling the WP_DEBUG? What error you’re currently seeing? Else, please provide your FTP login credentials as well and we’ll check the errors. The page is blank so I’m not sure if WP_DEBUG is really turned on by setting it to true.


There we go. Seems the error is this:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function csl18n() in /customers/e/7/d/ on line 109

Hi there,

Your custom code is not compatible anymore, please remove them from our child theme’s functions.php. The new version doesn’t have csl18n() anymore.


It now works! Thank you so, so, so much!

Though now my next question is how to now display excerpts in recent posts…? :sweat_smile:

Hi there,

Please check this another thread You’ll have to implement your recent posts as shortcode, it’s not gonna work as cornerstone element.


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