Content is displaying correctly on preview but wont show on live

Hello @jamesnoronha,

This threaded was started by @CaribanaLinguistics. Although the problem you are facing is similar but most of the time, posting in a thread started by someone else create lot of confusion resulting in slow response time and frustration for users.

It’s my humble request, please create a new ticket and share the relevant details in that. Someone from support team will take a look to help you out. For more details please take a look at following article.

Thanks for understanding.

i tried to follow the steps and the video guide, but still having the same issue

Hi Byron,

I accessed your website and found out that you have the homepage in Spanish and English. I went to the English version and changed the header to Language Servicess. (Added additional S) and the edit worked with no problem.

Please get back to us with the exact edit that you do which is not reflected in the front end to be able to help you with details.

Thank you.

hi Christopher,

if i try to add a page in haitian creole the content disappears, i had to delete all haitian creole pages in order to the spanish version to show up.


Hello There,

Thanks for updating in!

It seems that you WPML and other WPML is out dated. Most of the time, out dated plugin could create an issue. Please make sure that every thing is up to date first.

Please let us know how it goes.

i updated the WPML and all others. Also i created an haitian creole version of the health page, and both the spanish version and the haitian version are not showing body. please take a look at the site with the credentials above and the actual error on site.


Hey Byron,

It looks like you’re using WPML’s Translation Editor. That is not supported
I opened your pages and I could not see the builder’s Language Picker or Translation Flags which is located in the lower right corner of the Header, Footer and Content builders. Those flags should show up in the builder because it’s the correct one to use for translation. See

In WPML > Settings > How to translate posts and pages, please select Create translations manually and also remove the WPML related custom function in your child theme’s functions.php. Also temporarily deactivate all WPML related plugins and leave
WPML Multilingual CMS active only.


Hi Christian,

how do i activate the language picker?? and i did all other things, if you can guide me in the process that would be awesome!

Thanks, Byron

Hi @CaribanaLinguistics,

What Christian is referring is the flag icons within the builder preview which should be active by default once WPML is present and active. This only means there is a problem with your setup and that’s because of the child theme.

And it’s because of this code from the child theme

function remove_polylang_wpml_filter_from_cornerstone() {
  add_filter('wpml_active_languages', '__return_empty_array', 999 );

add_action( 'cornerstone_before_boot_app', 'remove_polylang_wpml_filter_from_cornerstone' );

Try activating the main theme and those language flags (selectors) will appear. Then you can select haitian creole and translate, for some pages, it will appear empty since it was created from blank so you’ll have to fill-in the content manually. Or import the English/Spanish template to haitian creole page and translate it.


Hi, i activated the main theme, i see the flags on the bottom corner, still i tried to create or edit the content, but spanish content wont display after saved. Nor haitian creole.


Hi @CaribanaLinguistics,

As for reference, I’m troubleshooting the Health page. I works okay and it saved okay, I changed the title to their locale counterpart. BUT, what’s weird is the changes isn’t reflecting in the front (live page), it remains empty. But in the builder, they aren’t empty at all.

Though, what I noticed is inconsistency in URL. The URL for spanish for Health is /salud/ instead of /es/salud/, and then /ht/health for another, and so on. Do you have custom permalinks? Please provide your FTP login credentials in a secure note, I’ll check if the blank pages triggers any error.


Ok, please find the login below.

Thanks, Byron

Hi @CaribanaLinguistics,

I think the URL format is correct. I checked the FTP and it’s pointing to empty folder, please point it to your site’s installation folder.

I noticed that the working copies health pages are now empty again in the builder. Something is off, do your host has some sort of internal caching?


i see, try the credentials below

My host is godaddy, how do i go about checking that internal caching?


Hi @CaribanaLinguistics,

Ah, it’s Godaddy. It’s known for caches issues including transients. Though, the credentials is seems incorrect, would you mind providing the exact procedures on how to connect?

I checked and it still the same, clearing the cache aren’t taking effect. How about creating a staging of your site? It should be doable in Godaddy hosting, and that should have no active cache.


Hi, the FTP was pointing at wrong folder, i did the necessary changes.

i also increased the WP memory limit, but it had no impact.


Hi Byron,

I was able to login to your FTP, but when trying to view your files for example wp-config.php, I’m getting the following error (see secure note).

Could you please make sure that you have granted enough privileges for the FTP user or you don’t have any other restrictions applied.

Let us know.

Hi Staff,

I dont have restrictions applied, i just logged in and was able to see and download files.


Hey Byron,

The issue could have been with Permalinks and/or caching. In WPML > Languages, I tried changing the URL format to Different languages in directories and the I’ve resaved the permalinks.

I then cleared all caches because @Rad had pointed out that this could have been the issue.

I then switched to your original URL format which is Language name added as a parameter.

With the permalinks and caching cleared, I opened your Health page and saw that the Spanish and Hatian pages are blank both in the builder and in the front-end. I simply added content to those pages and I encountered no issue. Translation works. Please check the secure note to see my test.


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