Content Dock doesn't appear on mobile

I want my content dock to also appear on mobile. What can I do?

I noticed there was a thread in January 2024 that stated a bug, and used this code to hide the doc on mobile:

@media (max-width: 768px) {
.tco-content-dock {
visibility: hidden;

I changed it to
@media (max-width: 768px) {
.tco-content-dock {
visibility: visible;

but still need your help, as that didn’t work.


Hi @capodanno,

Thanks for reaching out. Instead of visibility: visible; use display: block; and that should enable the Content Dock on mobile screens as well.

Let us know how it goes!

I added this code:
@media (max-width: 768px) {
.tco-content-dock {
display: block;

The content dock is still not appearing on mobile. I have the content dock set to 300px wide. I’m not sure what the 768px max width is about in the code above, but please tell me if there’s anything else I can do…

Hey @capodanno,

Would you mind sharing your website URL so that we can check the actual code why it is not working?

Thank you.