Content disappears due to padding?

Hi, I Spent a while formatting text and image elements to be left / right justified see Colin Lyall and Malcolm Taylor and upon checking the page the elements appear and then vanish.



I have taken away this for the time being - ; padding-left:150px; / Right

Is it possible to Have Left image Right Justified & Right Image Left justified without 1 of the 2 appearing randomly smaller?

Sometimes the simplest of things can be so Hard! Ah

This is in style for left max-height: 250px ; padding-left:80px

and the right - max-height: 250px ; padding-right:165px

Hello There,

Thanks for updating in! Do you want to look something like this, ?
When aligning the image to the right, you must add a padding right of 100 pixels. When the image is align to the left, a padding left of 50 pixels must be added too.

Hope this make sense.

I have removed all code apart from max-width: 350px in style . Please let me know how to align both images to justify to text line beneath.


Hi there,

You need to set the left image style element like this: float: right
and set the right image style element like this: float: left

Then you need to add the padding of 100 pixels to the column and not the image.

We can do this for you if you give us the URL/User/Pass of your website using the Secure Note functionality for the post.

Thank you.

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