Contact Form Button

Hi there,

For whatever reason, i’m unable to see the submit button on the contact form, im not sure why this is but wondered if you’d be able to help me at all?

Many thanks

Hi @bondie11,

I’ve checked your contact us page and the contact us button is just there. I found out that you added some custom CSS. Please remove your custom CSS because the border color, text color, and background color are set to transparent.

Thank you.

Thanks! I did have custom CSS but removed it all before posting in here so I’m not sure where to find that code now.



On my speculation, your custom CSS is on your contact us page.

Thank you.

I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Can I add any CSS here to override the transparency?

Hi Adam,

You can add any CSS to CONTENT CSS section, but remember that it will work for that specific page you are adding.
If you need it globally, just add it in Theme Options > CSS


What CSS would you suggest to overwrite what @cramaton says is currently on the page as I cant currently see the transparency.


Please give us the following information in a Secure Note to help you further with your concern.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Thanks. Just done that.


I can’t log in with the credentials you provided, please double check it.

Thank you.

Apologies, should be correct now


I couldn’t find where did you add your custom CSS, let’s just override the button CSS to make it visible. Please add this to Pro > Theme Options then CSS.

.x-btn, .button, [type="submit"] {
	border: 1px solid #ac1100;
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #ff2a13;

.x-btn:hover, .button:hover, [type="submit"]:hover {
	border: 1px solid #ff2a13;
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #ac1100;

Please note that providing custom code is outside the scope of our theme support. Issues that will arise from the use of custom codes should be forwarded to a 3rd party developer.

Thank you.

Thank you, really appreciate it.
My final question (promise) is what css do I need to allow the text to be centred. I’ve used text-align but it didn’t work.

Thank you again


There are so many factors why your text is not centering using the text-align, please check this CSS Tricks that might help you to solve your concern.

Thank you.

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