Conditions in Woocommerce shop archive looper consumer

Hello there

I wonder if I can place more loopers in the shop archive based on conditions.

3 Products having different product categories set in the woocommerce -> product -> categories

I want to display only a specific category of products in the shop archive looper consumer. So I set in the looper consumer (which is a column) -> customize -> conditions: product category is car (example).

the specific product has definitely a category assigned.

result: no products show up.

hmmm. why?

Thx a heap in advance.


Thanks for writing to us.

I went to your layout and created the section called “Themeco test” where I pulled the product from a category. Please check the settings. Please note that you need to unhide the sections from the sections —>customize —>Hide During Breakpoints.

Hope it helps

Thank you very much for stepping in.

Well yes, creating a custom provider would be obvious. Right. That was not the question. The question was, why I can’t use conditions on the archive consumer.

I just want to understand the “logic”. Or the problem.

If you say, I can achieve this only by creating my own looper provider, then I’ll sure will. That was not intended by the creator though, right?

Hello Ondrej,

Thanks for the clarification. Please be advised that the archive layout will use the default WordPress or WooCommerce loop. This will enable the archive layout to display the latest post items or product items regardless of the categories in a chronological order. When you are in a tag, category or product category archive, the latest item with the same tag, category or product category will be displayed still in chronological order. This is why you can only have a Looper Consumer in an archive layout.

Now, if you want to have custom Shop index, you can have a separate Looper Provider aside from the main Looper. For example;

Shop Index
      Main Looper 
            4 Rows
                  3 Columns of the latest products

      Alt Looper Provider - Category 1
            1 Row
                  3 Columns of the latest Category 1 products

      Alt Looper Provider - Category 2
            1 Row
                  3 Columns of the latest Category 2 products

Hope this helps.

ok, got it.

custom provider then.

thx a heap


You are most welcome, Ondrej.

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