Column shifted to the right

I encounter a problem specific to a screen width of 320px, the text content does not align with the title see capture3
what can I do to resolve this problem?

Hello @JohannLamour,

Thanks for writing to us.

It is not possible to guide you with only screenshots I would suggest you please share the exact page URL so that we can check it on our end and guide you properly.


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I understand, here is the URL concerned:

Hello @JohannLamour,

I would suggest you go to the Column —> Flexbox—>Direction ---->set it as a Row for the small screens. Please have a look at the given screenshot.


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Thank you for your feedback, it partly works. Indeed the text is no longer shifted to the right but, when my title is on a line, the line does not snap to the line unlike the other blocks, how can I modify this?
here is the link to the page and the capture

Hello Johann,

Please make sure that in all screen displays, the Flexbox > Direction is “Column” so that the line will always be underneath the Headline.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

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It’s done ! Thank’s !

Hi Johann,

You are most welcome.

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