Collapsed navigation menu showing weird links

I recently set up a header. I used one of the already created ones in cornerstone builder and it looks fine on desktop and works properly. The navigation menu pulls in the menu that I had set-up a long time ago in Appearance > Menus.

On mobile, though, when you expand it there’s a whole other menu that I’m completely unfamiliar with: Home, Work, Shop, About… that’s not from my site.

How do I get it to just show my menu? The same one that appears on desktop. I don’t understand why the collapsed menu out of the box has these weird links. It seems like it should just recreate my actual navigation menu.

Then, how do I get uber menu to work with this cornerstone header. Previously, I had my header set-up in the very old X way of setting it up (not the Cornerstone way).

Thank you

Hi @ShermanPotter,

Thanks for reaching out. Those are just placeholder menu items (sample menu). You can replace the sample menu with yours by inspecting the Navigation Collapsed element then under Setup > Menu select your menu (see screenshot)


Hope this helps!

Yes, that worked. Thank you!

Couple other things…

It seems that my Uber Menu settings no longer apply to this menu. How do I make it so my Uber Menu skin and settings apply?

In the Uber Menu settings: Automatic Integration Theme Location --> It’s set for the header navigation menu but it’s not affecting it.

Also, how do I center text inside of a “bar”? I’m hitting the center button but it’s not working.

Thank you

I got the Uber Menu part solved by watching this video … basically it puts Uber Menu into a widget that you add to the header. I don’t know if that’s generally considered an acceptable way to do it ?

My question now is I’ve got the header set up like this:

Bar --> with image on left and then text
Widget area -> this holds uber menu

(just to be clear, this is set up with two rows on top of each other. The bar with the image is a row and beneath that is a row with uber menu)

In the horizontal bar, how do I add some padding to the image on the left. I imagine I need to add sel CSS or something like that to it???

And, how do I center the text in the bar? The other problem I just noticed is that when resized to phone or tablet the text doesn’t wrap around…it just gets cut-off on screen. I just noticed that when an actual desktop browser window resizes it wraps. It’s when I preview it in X with phone option that it doesn’t resize.

And, when I look on my actual phone, there’s not text at all. Weird thing about the phone, though, is that there’s now two different buttons that can be used to expand the menu. I removed the Navigation Collapsed button in the X interface (delete).

Thank you!

Hey @ShermanPotter,

Regarding adding a padding to the Image element, enable the Padding option under the Design element settings and adjust the side padding your need.


Regarding the text, would you mind providing a screenshot of the issue because I do not see the issue in your sites?


Sure, is there a way to share that with just you?

Basically, for the header, I have a “Bar” set up with “Container 1” inside of it. On the left is a little image. I have a “text” field dragged into the Bar…and, now the text field automatically aligns to the right.

In the Inspector, I click the center button for the text field, but nothing happens.

Thank you

Hey @ShermanPotter,

You should share the screenshot on this thread so that the support staff available can see your issue properly.

Thank you.

okay thank you
secure note added above in my first post in this thread
thank you

Along similar lines, when you get a chance to look at that…could you tell me if there’s a better way for me to set-up the header than how I did it: which is with a “BAR” with a widget below that has Uber Menu inside of it???

Hey @ShermanPotter,

Your setup is fine. To center the text element in its given space (note that there’s an image on the left so basically, you can’t center the text in the header), set the Width of the Text element to 100% and choose Center in the Text > Format > Align option



The result would be similar to the screenshot below where the text is centered in its given space.

Ah, thank you! Great explanation. That’s the part I was not grasping! The text element width needs to be set to 100%. Thank you.

You’re most welcome!

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