Hi, I’m using the classic cards element here:
And I am trying to get all these cards’ height to match the largest. Simply setting a minimum height will not suffice due to responsiveness issues. I have tried the following script, which I found here: https://theme.co/apex/forums/topic/make-columns-same-height-in-cornerstone/.
$(window).bind('ready load resize', function(){
var max = 0,
mobile = $(window).width();
if ( mobile > 767 ){
$(".equalize .x-column").each(function(index, el) {
if( $(this).height() > max ){
max = $(this).height();
$(".equalize .x-column").css('height', max);
I also changed out .x-column in the script for .x-card-inner and .x-card-outer, with no joy.
Any advice or modification of this script would be much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance,