I would like the card to be the same height as the columns along each side and responsive. What can I do? Here is the url.
Here is a screenshot:
Thanks so much : )
Hi There,
Please add the following CSS to Theme Options CSS or Cornerstone CSS
.x-card-outer {
margin: 0;
Hope it helps!
Thank you, that worked : ) But for some reason my background image in the columns next to the card get hidden on mobile. Do you know how I can fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Hi There,
I recommend you adding a classic gap of 300px or the height you wish on each of these columns where you have a background image but no elements.
Hope it helps
Is there a way these can be full height in and responsive to all screens sizes? Please see attached images. Thank you
Hello @Jennine,
I see that you have already made the necessary changes. Please see screenshot. https://screencast.com/t/X1toU4N7Po7
Thats how it looks at desktop and laptop resolution. Try making the screen smaller and the photo will it will rise up again. Thank you
Hi there,
Go to that specific row in question and add a class called fullimage
then add the code below:
.x-section .x-container.marginless-columns.fullimage {
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
.x-section .x-container.marginless-columns.fullimage .x-column:first-child {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
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