Chart label looper provider consumer

Hi guys, I’m trying to get the title of a “team” post in relationship with my “match” post.

Writing {{dc:post:meta key=“playing_team_a”}} get me the value 103 and {{dc:post:meta key=“playing_team_b”}} get me 197; and {{dc:post:title key=“playing_team_a”}} get me the title of the match post instead the team post.

I know that normally I should set up the looper provider {{dc:acf:post_field field=“playing_team_a”}} and use {{dc:post:title}} to get the title but doing so gives me the same title on my labels as we can only set up the looper provider on the labelset and not on the label itself.

Is there a way to simply merge the looper provider and the dc on a single phrase to get the team title ?
Something like {{dc:post:title FROM looper provider dc:acf:post_field field=“playing_team_a”}}

I hope you’ll get my point as I’m really bad at explaining.

Thanks in advance.

btw: it would be nice to be able to set up multiple looper providers directly on the label and the data instead to be limited to set them up on the labelset and the dataset.

Hello Giovanni,

Thanks for writing in!

Please be aware that we do not have a feature that allows 2 Looper Providers to be merged into 1 loop. You can only nest Loopers. You can access the date from the parent loop by using the depth={index}. Please check out this documentation:

Best Regards.

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