Changing Transparent Header Background Colour and Logo on Scroll?

Hi Themeco team,
How can I change the transparent header background colour and header logo on scroll?

Thank you

Hello Tamer,

Thanks for writing to us.

Would you mind sharing the exact page URL so we can check it on our end and guide you properly?


Hi Prakash,
The website URL is

Hello Tamer,

I would suggest you please follow these steps to get the background color on the page scroll.
Step 1: Create a copy of the first bar.
Step 2: Set first bar background color to transparent
Step 3: Make the second bar Hide initially.
Step 4: Make the second bar a sticky
Step 5: Set background color to the second bar along with content scrolling off, initial position set to absolute .

Hope it helps

Thank you so much, Prakash, for your guidance. I have created the header.

Hello Tamer,

Glad that we were able to help you.


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