Changing icons that display when sharing website link

Ok so when I share my website in a text, or in a social post, there is an old icon that I would like to update to a new logo

I thought I updated it, but it didn’t seem to take

So where do I update the image for what populates here:

Sometimes it does a double image like this, but most times it just shows the circle on the left

Either way I’d like to update it to a new logo altogether.

Hello @ohiocannabis,

Thanks for writing to us.

I would suggest you go to the Theme Options —>Social —>Open Graph you need to upload the logo here.

Hope it helps

So I did add the logo to that area, but it is still not changing the social icons

What am I missing?


Hey John,

Facebook is already displaying the logo.
Check the secure note below.


So you’re saying Facebook is forcing that image of the OC?

Why is the double image of the OC & my other logo showing up like that in texts then?

This is the new updated logo that should be populating every where, so I need to update it wherever I can so that this is what loads when I share the website URL through a text, or a post on social

Hello John,

The site logo is using:

The Social Fallback in the Open Graph option of the Theme Options > Socials is using this:

You will have to go to the Cornerstone > Theme Options > Socials and change the Social Fallback image.


Hello, that’s what I’m saying, I already did that - but it’s still not taking effect?

See here:

I changed it here before I even made this post, and that was like a week ago, so it’s odd it isn’t populating correctly.

I am going to provide some login details if you’d like to take a closer look.

Thank you!

Hello John,

Please take a look at this:

The last scraped of the homepage is Dec. 15. You need to clear all your caches including the Cloudflare and then you will have to scrape the homepage again.


Ok so I cleared All Cache in in my Dashboard

Then also cleared All Cache in my Kinsta dashboard

So it seems like we made some progress, it is now showing the new logo, but still only half and the OC is still showing up some how

I’d like to remove wherever the OC is populating from so that just the new Farmers Cup logo populates

Also, where do I change that News | Media | Lifestyle tagline for that?

I changed it in Settings>General & Cornerstone>theme options>Blog Options

I also flushed cache on website & in kinsta, but it didn’t change it for that preview

Hello John,

I have investigated your site and I finally found out that while you have enabled the Open Graph option in the Theme Options, you also have installed Yoast SEO plugin.

I would recommend that you disable the Open Graph feature in the Theme Options and just use and set up Yoast SEO plugin because this is the one displaying the social image and the title.

Hope this makes sense.

Ok I did disable Open Graph as you suggest and now we are down to just the OC logo and old title still

So we’re making some progress

I looked everywhere within the Yoast SEO plugin, but could not find where this OC logo & old title are in order to update them - do you have any idea?

I know it may be out of the scope of support here, but any help is appreciated. I did post on the Yoast SEO plugin page on to try and get some help too.

I do really like Yoast SEO plugin, and use it quite a bit for SEO, so I will default to using it for this social share & title, so I will permanently leave the Open Graph disabled
