Changing Existing Image CSS

I want to remove the border and drop-shadow from all of the images in my posts, without effecting the rest of the images on the website.
Additionally, I want to increase the size of the “caption” text and remove the “text-transform” style that is automatically applied to the captions.

I am inserting my images into the post using the Text-Editor:

I am entering my captions/photo credit in the “Image Details” modal pop-up (if that make a difference) where I also will add my Custom Class if possible.

I have worked in the “Custom CSS” panel, and can make the changes appear in the “Pre-view” of the post, but the changes do not appear on the “Live Site.”

Is this something that I can change, or does this require a Developer’s touch?

Hi There,

Thank you for writing in, there is a syntax error on your Theme Options > CSS, please address those first.

Find this block

.archive.category .entry-content.excerpt {
? display: none !important;

And this block is missing the closing bracket

/* removes Meta Icons */
p.p-meta span i,.blog p.p-meta {
display: none;

After you address that, please add this on your Theme Options > CSS.

/*remove image border and shadow*/
.single-post .wp-caption {
	box-shadow: none;
	border-width: 0; 

/*caption font size and text transform*/
.single-post .wp-caption>.wp-caption-text,
.single-post .wp-caption>.wp-caption-text:last-child {
	font-size: 2em;
	text-transform: none;

Hope it helps,