Change translation of "upsell" "you may also like"

Hi there,

I cannot find the area anymore where to change the text for upsell and “you may also like”
I use German version and I believe I already changed that before. But now cannot find it.

I found this link

But in both templates there is only english wordings.

Please help me to find the file or the menu where I can edit these 2 areas. Please see screenshot.
I will give you exact link to that product-page from screenshot in the “secure note” Thank you!!

The German wordings I want to be able to change are: Ähnliche Artikel: / Diese Artikel könnten Sie auch interessieren:

Hi There,

Please add the following code under functions.php file locates in your child theme:

add_filter('gettext', 'x_translate_text1' );
function x_translate_text1($translated) {
	$translated = str_ireplace('Related products', 'Your new text 1', $translated);
	$translated = str_ireplace('You may also like', 'Your new text 2', $translated);
	return $translated; 
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Hi Thai,

Many thx for your response with the code.
But Unfortunately it didn’t work.
When I load the product page, I could see for 1 sec “your new text” from your code, but then it changed back to the actual one.
I must have changed it already before once, but I cannot remember or find the area where I edited it.

Please help :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!

Hi there,

You should remove this code from your global custom javascript

jQuery(".related.products h2").html("Ähnliche Artikel:");

jQuery(".upsells h2").html("Diese Artikel könnten Sie auch interessieren:");    


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