I have a pesky image inside an overlay box which just will not center no matter what I try. The CSS I have tried using is:-
img.coe { position: absolute; bottom: 1.5%; display: block; margin: 0 auto; }
I have tried it with and without !important
and no luck. Inspector shows the class as img.coe, so I am pretty sure I am addressing the correct element
I have tried wrapping the image in a div, firstly using just <div align="center">
with no result, then I tried giving the div a class (certificate) and using same css CSS to try and center it.
div.certificate { display: block; margin: 0 auto; }
This centered the image on the page, but not in the overlay box and it was now no longer at the bottom of the overlay box
When I removed the CSS for that and removed the div around the image, the image returned to the bottom of the overlay, but it still sits in the middle of the page and not the center in the overlay box, which is odd. Caching was all cleared, though it is a staging serving, so shouldn’t be a huge issue
Any ideas as to why it is so difficult to center this image in the overlay box at the bottom?
Thanks in advance