Category layout question - "nothing to show right now" solution?


first I used one layout for the main blog page and the categories and it worked well until I encountered a category without any posts. Then the frontend just shows “Nothing to Show Right Now” and no way to edit this page.

So I’ve added a condition to some specific div (or section) “Provider Output: isEmpty” in the hope to let this one show, when a category has no posts. But that didn’t work. So I created a layout just for then categories and applied the same condition to a specific div (or section) with the same result. The condition at assignment for the layout itself was set to “Post taxonomy: category”.

The only way it worked, was to set each category one by one as a condition at assignment for this layout. Now the specific div (or section) is shown, when a category has no posts.

Is this as intended, or a bug?… From my logic it should be enough to set the condition for this layout to just “post taxonomy: category”.

best regards

Hi Mirco,

Thanks for reaching out.

You can use the {{dc:looper:count}} condition in a specific section in an Archive Layout to check if it is greater than 0 or equal to 0 as shown in the given screenshots. And set the condition All Archives for the layout to set into all the categories.

Hope it helps.

Thanks @tristup.

That worked, even if I was confused to use “All Archives” instead of “Post taxonomy:category”. But that way I can skip adding every single category as an assignment condition :slight_smile:

{{dc:looper:count}} == 0 works as well as “Provider Output:is empty” to show the specific div (or section).

best regards

Hi Mirco,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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