Cart Count via text setup


I had an earlier topic here: Cart count broken after update Pro. Inside I mentioned that the cart count was broken. You had suggested including it inside the button element as part of the text setup. However I cannot seem to get it to work like I did before. I am not sure how to make it look like my existing configuration. Please see screenshots below:

New Configuration (using text setup inside button element)

Existing Configuration (before update - using button element and separate content element for count)
[please see this tutorial for more information: Tutorial: Add Items Counter To Cart Elements Of PRO Header]

Hi Joseph,

You can achieve the Cart Count via text setup of a Button, please find the video where the setting and options are explained to do that.

After following the process explained in the video, I would suggest you add the following custom CSS code into the

$el.x-anchor .x-anchor-text .x-anchor-text-secondary {
    background-color: #ff0000;
    border-radius: 50%;

Hope it helps.

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