So I’ve been trying to get a revolution slider to populate a woocommerce carousel but I’m not having any luck.
I’ve tried changing a bunch of settings, but nothing makes it load.
Here is a screenshot of my Content Settings:
So I’ve been trying to get a revolution slider to populate a woocommerce carousel but I’m not having any luck.
I’ve tried changing a bunch of settings, but nothing makes it load.
Here is a screenshot of my Content Settings:
Hey John,
Thanks for writing in! Since nothing is working from your end, would you mind providing us access to your site so that we can check your settings. Please create a secure note with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WordPress Admin username / password
To know how to create a secure note, please check this out:
Ok I’ve added a login to this message.
Thank you.
Hello John,
There was no display in your slider because there aren’t any layers. You will have to add an image layer and the content image from the stream or products so that it will display something.
I’ve made some edits in your slider. Please check it now.
Ok I see that now, thank you.
I would like the products info to populate like name, price, “Add To Cart” etc - what features would add this info to the slide?
Also, the images look distorted, is there any way for them to populate to an equal & proper size?
The Modern Events calendar populates a nice looking display of the events image and details, something like that would be nice.
The carousel only seems to have a single product in the “spotlight” with the other products ghosted on the sides
The Slider only seems to show a single product period
Is there any way to have 5 products span the entire section, all look normal, none ghosted out and then have that entire 5 product section then rotate to the next 5 products?
Still showcasing the products name and some info like price etc.
Something more along the lines of this:
Just something that displays more than one product and has the pricing, name & add to cart option
Hello John,
With what you have in mind, you will need to adjust the carousel settings to display the image slides correctly.
Please check out this documentation:
Hope this helps.
Ok, but I don’t really see any walk-thrus or options to have the shop carousel look like that image I posted?
Nothing about the product name, price & add to cart
Should I get some type of woocommerce plugin for my purposes instead?
Hello John,
The RevSLider will display slides of images.
Please check out these examples:
You may need other WooCommerce slider plugin to accomplish what you want. Can you please send us the URL of your example site? We might be able to figure out what slider plugin here is using.
Ahh so it seems I was looking for the shortcodes for woocommerce.
I found [products limit=“4” columns=“4”]
Works really nice and adds the product image, name, price & add to cart
So this is exactly what I need, but any idea if I can have this auto-rotate through various products instead of just being a static 4 products? Navigation arrows would also be nice to add too
You can see it about half way down on my home page under “Shop CBD Products”
Not sure if there is any woo-commerce shortcode to make a rotating carousel, but I did find this plugin that seems to work really nice:
Surprised something like this isn’t built into Woo-commerce, or even X themes. Displaying a rotating shop section is a really nice upgrade functionally & visually to a websites home page.
Please let me know if there are any other suggested options for this.
Thank you.
Seems there is no woo-commerce shortcode for a rotating product carousel & it does require a 3rd party plugin, which I’ve already installed.
This one should be answered finally.
Hello John,
Thanks for updating the thread.
To implement product slider on the website you will have to use a 3rd party plugin. I am sharing few slider plugins that you can take a look:
Please note that the plugins I have shared is not a official Themeco advice. It’s just a personal input that I have shared with you to help you get started. 3rd party plugins may cause some issues and we won’t be able to provide support in that scenario.
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