Cant find the new "pre-fabs" (eg. Lightbox Gallery Slider) in "template tab" (Design Cloud)

Following on from this post…

re: … we have two new pre-fabs coming to the Template Tab of Cornerstone: Thumbnail Gallery Slider and Image Lightbox Gallery .

So I go to Cornerstone / Templates / Design Cloud and search for “Gallery” or “Lightbox” and can’t find them… nor any section called “templates” (there is Sites, Pages, Headers, Footers)

I also searched in the Max / Modern sliders pack (of which I assume they are examples of) and can’t find them there.

Am I missing something ?

As per the original post I can download a version as of Jul 24 eg. //

…but I’d like to know if I am missing something in Design Cloud or Max, and also want to make sure I use the latest version available in case it has changed since Jul '24.

Kind Regard

Hello Simon,

Thanks for writing to us.

Please ensure that you have imported the template. Now, you need to go to the you page and insert it as an element.

Please have a look at this video as well.


I know how to import templates (do it all the time)… I was asking about how to find it in design cloud to export (as per the release notes of one of the Pro updates)… and then import into my site(s).
no big deal.

Hey Simon,

You can find it in the Templates > Themeco Tab while you are in the builder.

Hope this helps.