Can't access correct Typography>Headings>Font Family

From what I’ve read on the forum, the Typography settings are meant to be used only with the default stacks, however, I would expect the following dynamic content {{ theme.x_headings_font_family }} to fetch the appropriate setting. When I use it, instead of displaying the correct font family “Roboto”, it shows “Lato”.

How can I access, through dynamic content, the headings font family, or one of the font families in the font manager?

I am using the starter stack in pro 6.5.2.

Hello @Oriol,

Thanks for writing in! I managed to replicate the issue on my local testing server. It works within the builder preview. When you view the live page, it is not. I believe that this is a bug with the latest release. I will be reporting this to our developers.

Best Regards.

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