Cannot open Home page in Cornerstone

I can no longer open the home page in
Other pages will open.
Pro 6.3.8
WP 6.3.1

Hello @johnboak,

I would suggest you clone the page and delete the sections one by one to check which section is causing the issue. If it doesn’t work for you please copy your live site to the staging server and share the login details so that we can investigate without breaking your live website. Please have a look at this article to learn more about how to move the live site to the staging server.


Thanks. I will start your suggestions. More later.

Hey @johnboak,

Great and let us know how it goes.

I tried you first strategy: copy home page; eliminate the sections one by one and test.
The offending section appears to be “Past Events.”
Events Calendar plugins’ shortcodes run that page.
They are updated.

It is odd because cornerstone loads right up.
All pages appear to open up.
Just not the home page.

So I have created a staging site.
I will put that into a secure note along with your user details.
Thanks for your help.

Hey @johnboak,

Yes, you are right. The issue is coming from the Past Events section. I suspect that there’s an issue with the preview in the builder while using the events calendar plugin. That being said, I highly suggest disabling the preview of the shortcode in the builder so that the page can be edited. To do that, you need to change the text element that holds the shortcode to Raw Content because in the Raw Content, there is an option to disable the preview.

Hope that helps.

It seems like the right thing to do. The question is how to add a new element when there is no visual display of the page in the left window. I do not know how to add a new element with only the Outline interface available to me.

Hey @johnboak,

I am not quite sure about your new issue, is there any chance to record a video so that we can check on it? In the meantime, if you want to add new element, you can go to the element tab and drag the element in the builder. Please see the secure note for the quick example.

Hope that helps.

I want to reply because I value, and am dependent on, your support, since all my sites are built on X or Pro. I was just away for a week. But before I left, the site WAS allowing me to load in Pro’s Cornerstone interface. And mysteriously the section’s Text element had turned into a Raw Content element. I do not know what happened or how it happened, but the result is that it works. So, THANKS for your help. It also learned that I should be using the Raw Content element.

Hey @johnboak,

I do believe either me or one my of my colleagues made the changes but we’re glad it is now working properly on your end.

Thank you.

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