Can I have multiple superscripts on a page?

Hi, currently the superscript on my website is set and looks great for paragraphs. But if I try to use it for headings, it looks very small and only suitable for paragraphs. Is it possible to set a superscript for a specific heading/title as well?

Hey @Nalwi,

Thanks for reaching out!

I tried to use superscript on headline and paragraph then they are just showing properly.

That being said, would you mind sharing your page URL where the superscript headline and paragraph are present? In that way, we can check on it properly.


Hi, Please see the requested details in the secure message

Hi @Nalwi,

To increase only the size of the Header text, just add the following custom CSS code into the Element CSS of the Text element where the superscript is added.

$el sup

Please remember that the above code will work if copied as it is and doesn’t conflict with any existing style.
Please note that the code provided serves only as a guide to help you get started custom coding on your own if there’s no option offered in our theme or the products we bundle.
We really do not provide support for custom codes which means we can’t fix it in case it conflicts with something on your site nor will we enhance it. Further customization should be directed to a third-party developer or you can avail One, where we answer the questions beyond normal theme support.


Thank you very much. this has worked

Hey @Nalwi,

You’re welcome! If you have any other concerns or clarifications regarding our theme features, feel free to open up a new thread.

Thank you.

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