Buttons not working in Edge-Browser

Hi there!

Please have a look with the edge-browser to the demo-version of our website: https://2018.mszb.ch/preview

Sroll down until you see the part with the green buttons:

Please hover the button or click on it (if you can). In edge-browser, something really strange happens: the browser crashes!! and something like that appears:

If you’re checking our site https://2018.mszb.ch/preview with chrome, safari, firefox and even ie11, the buttons are working fine, but in edge (in all versions) the buttons don’t work!

Dear x-theme-support-team, what can i do? i mean, this is not a old-scool-ie9-problem, this is a button, created in cornerstone (newest version, all updates done so far, also the x-theme is updated) with advanced settings, that is not working in one of the newest browsers.

Thanks for your help!

Hey @gabrieldesign.swiss,

I checked your site in Edge and I experienced the issue. The buttons are just links though so they are unlikely to cause this kind of issue. It could be that Edge is not compatible with your setup or there’s a bug in Edge that causes this. Please try the following:

1. Change the href in your buttons to use the full URL. Currently, your only using a query string. Please use the full URL like https://example.com/news

2. Visiting https://2018.mszb.ch/preview redirects to https://2018.mszb.ch/?1061281816. Would you mind deactivating this behavior?

3. Update Edge and Windows. Regretfully, I could not test now as this as it takes a long time to update.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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