Hi there!
Please have a look with the edge-browser to the demo-version of our website: https://2018.mszb.ch/preview
Sroll down until you see the part with the green buttons:
Please hover the button or click on it (if you can). In edge-browser, something really strange happens: the browser crashes!! and something like that appears:
If you’re checking our site https://2018.mszb.ch/preview with chrome, safari, firefox and even ie11, the buttons are working fine, but in edge (in all versions) the buttons don’t work!
Dear x-theme-support-team, what can i do? i mean, this is not a old-scool-ie9-problem, this is a button, created in cornerstone (newest version, all updates done so far, also the x-theme is updated) with advanced settings, that is not working in one of the newest browsers.
Thanks for your help!