I have come across a bug that occurs when using the data-x-slide-goto
attribute on an element that has scroll effects enabled on it.
I have a slider with three “tabs” with a “tab list” style element common across them all, to act as navigation between the slides.
The buttons within this list are components with basic scroll effects enabled so that they slide in when navigating between slides.
With normal navigation enabled, this works as expected.
When I add the data-x-slide-goto
attribute to the tab list buttons, the elements go into their “exit” state, with 0 opacity and a translation applied. They are still interactive in this state, and I can click between the tabs, but obviously the elements are invisible.
I have set up on a demo site the situation with the bug occurring, which can be seen here:
I have added a light background on the buttons, where the text should be visible.
I will also give access to the site in a secure note so that you can see the setup of the slider and elements.