Buddypress Youzify issues (General templates & cover image in groups)


I’m building a Buddypress website with Youzify and Pro

1) My first issue is that Pro overrides the templates so i had to disable two folders within the theme. Here is the reply from the Plugin author:

I can confirm this issue happen because a incompatibility issue between Youzify and X Pro theme. This issue also happen with some of our clcustomers.

We have contacted the theme author several times and asked them a filter that we can use in our snippet to disable their BuddyPress functions. But unfortunately, we never hear any response from us.

But for temporary solution, we have fixed it by renaming “BuddyPress” folder to disable default Pro theme BuddyPress functions inside folders:

  1. “themes/pro/framework/legacy/templates”
  2. “themes/pro/framework/dist/css/site/”

But if we solve this issue with that way. In the future if you update your theme, this problem will comeback. And you will need to do same thing again.

The same issue was encountered by [HELP] Conflict with X pro theme + youzify

Is there a way to disable Pro from overriding Youzify templates more permanently?

2) I cannot add/change cover images for groups. I wrote Youzify but they say Pro has disabled the function from Buddypress:

I can confirm that the X PRO theme disable the BuddyPress Groups Cover Upload feature. This is happen even with BuddyPress. As this is a basic BuddyPress feature
Please you can try change the theme. And then you will see Group Upload Cover Option on the BuddyPress Groups Settings

I can confirm that by changing my theme to the standard wordpress theme “Twenty Twenty-One” the option does appear in the buddypress settings.

How do i get the setting to work while using the Pro theme?

I’ve been going through all the theme files and have found the buddypress.php file in the folder: pro\framework\legacy\functions\plugins seems to disable the functionality. By commenting out line 265, the option comes back in the buddypress settings.

I need a more permanent fix however, as i don’t want to stop updating my theme files. How do i ensure Pro doesn’t remove the setting and how do i ensure Pro doesn’t override Youzify?

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Hey @Johanschack,

The issue happens most probably because Youzify also uses the filter bp_is_groups_cover_image_active. That’s the one you see in line 265 in buddypress.php.

Regretfully, overriding any theme function would require custom development and we cannot provide guidance on that as part of our theme support.

I’ll provide you with a potential workaround but if it doesn’t work, please consider subscribing to One where we can dive deeper into overriding this part of our theme.

This is the workaround. Add the following code to your child theme.

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'override_bp_group_image' );

function override_bp_group_image() {
  add_filter( 'bp_is_groups_cover_image_active', '__return_true' );

Please note that we cannot provide further support on this here in our forum.

Hope that helps and thank you for understanding.

Thank you, adding the code to my child themes funtions file did add the option back into buddypress.

But i don’t fully agree that it shouldn’t be part of your support. Pro has purposely disabled a function of a plugin, and if that goes against a user need, it should be possible to support that need.

Just to clarify, i have now also searched through the entire Youzify documentation, and it does NOT use the bp_is_groups_cover_image_active filter.

So thanks for taking your time to help me enable the standard buddypress function.

Hi @Johanschack,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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