How can I assign a Pro Header to my users buddypress profiles?
Thanks for reaching out.
You can assign the Headers to the BuddyPress pages, I would suggest you go through the following thread on a similar topic.
If you are still getting problems in assigning the Header to the Buddypress Profiles, there might be some different reasons behind your reason, I would like to suggest troubleshooting the following common issue to help us to recognize the reason.
1.Theme Related Issue
2.Plugin Conflict
3.Theme Update related issue
4.Child Theme Related issue ** if you have activated it.
5.CSS/JS Customization
6.Disabling Cache
7.Disabling CDN
If you discover that an issue is coming from a custom code or 3rd party plugin, kindly consult with a developer or contact the plugin author. Please note that we do not provide support for custom codes and 3rd party plugins.
If none of the above helps and the issue still persists, please provide login credentials for your site in a secure note to examine it further, including:
– WordPress Site URL & Admin URL
– WordPress Admin username/password
To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.
Yes, the static pages are listed in your dropdown. But thats not my support request. I’m asking about the dynamically created pages, like profiles. They unfortunately are not. They were not addressed in the link you reference.
I need a hook from these to your Pro system like we used to have with X. Even if its in a template and not the GUI.
Hey @bluedotproductions,
The hook that you’ll need is the cs_match_header_assignment
. Our core developer described how it works in this thread.
We provided a sample code in this thread. You’ll need to use the BuddyPress condition that you need.
Note that this requires custom development so it would be beyond the scope of theme support to provide specific guidance for your project. If you have further questions, you might want to consider signing up to One where we can provide customization guidance.
Hope that helps and thank you for understanding.
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