Border/Shape around section or row?

Hey team,

I have mocked up a design and the red wavy border around this section of the website is a strong part of the brand identity. How can I duplicate this red wavy border on the website? Here is the mockup:

The page is Christian Family Toolkit. You’ll see the section I have built out on that page. It is all there, just missing the border. How can I replicate this?


Hello Ashley,

Thanks for writing in! Regretfully we do not have any element capable of displaying this kind of border. You may resort to using custom CSS. Perhaps these articles can help you:

Best Regards.

Thank you! Would I put it on the section or the row? Or does each achieve a different effect?

I haven’t had a play yet, but I need it to be a frame around the content. If i can’t make the CSS work, could I upload an image or an svg of the frame? If so, is there any way to make sure that the content stays contained within the bounds of the frame?


Hello Ashley,

You can add the custom class to your Row and then add the custom CSS code for that class to frame the Row or in case you want the frame to be filed to full width then you need to add the custom class to your section and then add your custom CSS code with respect to that CSS class.

Hope it helps