Bar on the right side

Hi there,

i have a strange bar on the Home Page of my site… Its only on the first two Sliders. ( see screenshot)
And its only on big screens. If I change the browser size a litte bit it goes away.

If I investigate with the developer tools in chrome, it goes away too.

I really have no idea what that is. But it doesn´t look nice. Very grateful for help.

Hello @L-A-R-S,

Thanks for writing in! :slight_smile:

You can stop double scrollbar from appearing in your slider by adding this code in X > Theme Options > CSS:

body {
    overflow-y: hidden !important;
.tp-revslider-mainul {
    width: 100% !important;

The code above also fixes the spaces on the right side that shows on your images upon visiting your site. It happens because Revolution Slider is setting up fixed width in your images on browser load.

Hope this helps.

works perfekt! Thank You!

When the window now jumps to mobile version, then there is also a scroll bar on the right side.
Maybe it was also before. (See screenshot)

Can I also hide this small scroll bar?


Hey Lars,

Can you please remove the CSS code given previously and just update X and Cornerstone to the latest versions as this has been addressed in the latest release of the theme, please see

Let us know how this goes!

Hi Nabeel,

updated X and cornerstone and removed the Css. The first problem is now still good, even without the css.
But the second problem with the scroll bar in the mobile version on a desktop still exists.


Hey Lars,

Thanks for the update. I checked your setup and that’s happening because of the custom CSS you have added. Please remove the conflicting custom CSS to fix the issue.


Hi Nabeel,
ah okay. What is the conflicting css?

    @media (max-width: 979px)
    body .x-navbar {
        max-height: 310px;
        overflow-y: scroll;

And actually the update didn´t fixed the first problem. The problem reoccured and I added the css of @jumar again.

Lovely Greetings,

Hi There,

This happens when the content is wider than the container. Please check your elements size settings.

Or update :

   @media (max-width: 979px)
    body .x-navbar {
        max-height: 310px;
        overflow-y: scroll;


   @media (max-width: 979px) {
    body .x-navbar {
        max-height: 310px;
        overflow-y: hidden;
    }   }

Hope it helps

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