Background colour on post page

I am sorry, having a mental block. I want to have the background colour of a post page with a different colour, and for the life of me I can’t get the syntax correct in the css

Any help, much appreciated

Hello Alex,

Thanks for posting in! I went over to your previous post and you already have applied a background color to your site using a custom CSS. This made me think which part of the post page you want to change the background color. The threads I am talking about are the following:

You need to use the Google Chrome Developer Toolbar to check the live HTML code and find which CSS selector you need to use.

The single post page is using a single-post class in the body element. You can check it when you inspect the body element of your single post page.

So, based on the previous example custom CSS, you can have something like this:

.single-post .site,
.single-post .x-site {
	background-color: black;

This CSS code will only change the background color of the single post pages. It will not be applied to the pages or any of the archive pages.

Please note that the code provided above serves as a guide only and is to help you in getting started so implementing it and maintaining the code will be out of our support scope and for further maintenance for new possible versions of the theme that may cause the customization to break, you will need to hire a developer.

Feel free to make adjustment as you need. Here are some related links for further reading, this could help you in finding and implementing some CSS fixes:

Hope this helps.

Hi. Thanks for your response. I knew this was somewhere on the forum, but when I searched it wasn’t bringing up my old posts.

In due course, will there be a feature to have a single click to bring up all a users posts in the forum?

Thanks again


Hi Alex,

Kindly check the Secure Note. Thank you.

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