Are there training videos for Cornerstone Charts?

I’ve been trying to create a pie chart with Cornerstone Charts, but I can’t figure it out. Looks like I need to be a coder to do it. Are there any training videos or written instructions for Cornerstone Charts?

We have a video playlist here. Let us know how we can help and have a great day.

Thanks! I’ll take a look.

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You are most welcome, @stevedusek.

So I watched that video and looked at others that popped up with it on YouTube, but none of them show how to create a pie chart. When I attempt to create one, I can’t figure out how to put the data into it so it uses and shows it correctly. Do I need to understand coding?

Hello @stevedusek,

What type of data you want to display in a Pie Chart? You simply need Labels and a Data set.

Perhaps, you can send us some data and then we can create a demo for you.


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