Are there revisions for headers/footers/layouts?

We have an issue where super-admins (multisite) create footers and admins attempt to edit them, then upon saving, the footer entirely disappears. We’re able to reproduce the issue on our production site, but not on the dev site, yet.

Are there revisions for these elements so that we can rollback onto older versions? Full sites backups exist, but it would affect a lot of other sites (since it’s a WPMU).

Thanks for any feedback regarding this! :slight_smile:


Thanks for reaching out!

Unfortunately, there is no version history for the headers/footers/layouts. Here are the things you can do:

  • Take a backup of your current website
  • Restore the backup where the headers/footers/layouts content is available
  • Then you can save the layout for your headers/footers/layouts and export the files
  • Restore the latest backup again
  • Import the headers/footers/layouts

Note: I already added this as a feature request.

Thank you for understanding.

Thank you for the follow-up!
Considering the site is 70GB (multisite), we’ll see if we can find out what’s causing the issue first.
Editing the footer on the root domain works, but any other domain on the same install, by a regular admin, breaks it. We’re asking our host to make a dev version of the site for us to see if we can reproduce the issue on there.

An edit history for these things would be nice to have. Can we make this a feature request? +1 from me!

Hello @JvP,

Thank you for your suggestion, I’m pleased to let you know that we have added your vote to our feature request list. We appreciate your input and are always looking for ways to improve based on user feedback. If you have any other suggestions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out.


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