Hi. I am using X Pro and am having an issue with AnsPress displaying properly. I know this is theme related, as if I switch to TwentySeventeen, the pages work as intended.
As an example - https://www.phenomlab.com/comminuty/category renders correctly, but anything underneath just shows a blank page (created with Cornerstone in both cases). I think I’ve tracked this down to the page.php template. As an example, TwentySeventeen works fine, whilst wp-page.php in the X Pro theme doesn’t seem to work at all
I’m using a child theme, so have also been playing around with copying templates and modifying them. However, I am not sure I completely follow how X renders content. Essentially, even /community works correctly, but the above pages do not. I realise that this isn’t very clear, so in order to determine how the pages should be rendered, here’s an example from the plugin author’s site
As you can see, this works fine on their site, and also works if I switch themes. However, it will not work at all in X Pro (under any stack). I don’t really want to switch themes having paid for a brilliantly designed theme like this, and wondered if there was a workaround that someone could suggest ?
PS - I am actually a developer, so feel free to use “geek speak”