Align buttons right in cornerstone

I was trying to how to just align the button right vs align the whole column?
on the platform page I wanted to have text be aligned left and button right with dividing into section? You used to be able to do this simply, I tried code form another post but that is for the whole column.


Hi There,

I couldn’t find the page contains that button.

Could you please send us with the link of that page?


Hi there are 2 places on the homepage in the middle under the logos I’m trying have 2 buttons aligned next to each other rather then being in columns (like i have) so they don’t wrap to be square but still can be next to each other.

Then in the purple i was trying to the align the button right

Hi There,

To right align a button, you can assign a custom class into your button my-btn-right and then add a CSS rule into your page’s custom CSS area.

.my-btn-right {
    float: right;

So it will be rendering as follows.

Also you can assign the same class (my-btn-right) to your Get Started button as well.

Hope that helps.

Hi I had tried to learn more bottom button in the requst a demo section centered with the css and get the the 2 to be side by side under the logos and its not working correctly. What’s incorrect, I even tried and customer css called .center and that didnt’ work

To center your Learn More button, center align everything in your column.

For your 2 buttons, remove the previously given CSS and class and just add a right margin to your first button.

For your Contact Us button, right align the text in your column.


HI I did add the margin right code for the 2 buttons and then they aren’t aligning nect to each other in the center. see screesnots (on homepage)

Aksi i got the single button to center but I don’t want it to be such a wide button can have mornal button centered?

You kept the class my colleague mentioned for the second button, but my another colleague stated that you should remove that from the suggestion he gave.

Anyway, I removed that class and added a simple margin for the buttons in the style option:

The result is:

For the second question you added a Center Class to the button:

That class has a width of 50% so it is natural that it will be that big:

I removed that class and the result is:

I strongly suggest that you get yourself more familiar with simple CSS coding as you will need that in the future:

Also, I suggest that you learn how to make use of the Chrome browser to find the correct selectors of your CSS code:

Kindly open up new threads for additional questions as it will help us to focus on each issue and give you a better support which you deserve. Having a long threads makes the maintaining job harder and also it will be harder for the other customers to find the correct information if they have similar issues. You are always welcomed to reply to this thread to follow up the same question.

Thank you.

ok thank you for your assistance
I do understand css and chrome tools but I’m had issues with adjusting to the new format and where the classes are in the elements are now. I don’t see were the “center” class is on the button nor the column (see screenshot** in cornerstone. I see the code in the customizer. Where did you add the class, that more my question. I had to edit the button in deployment it was nolonger centered so I had to text center the whole column and bc added center the class of the button it was not working anymore. I guess I shouldn’t i be adding the class to the button element? vs column bc wat if don’t want to center the whoel column. that will be last question so I don’t make the thread longer." width=“279” height=“82”>


As my colleague have stated, he removed the class as it was causing some issues.

He added a margin instead in the style field.

See screenshot

thanks we re all set

We are delighted to assist you with this.


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