After Update to Pro 6.5.2, Cornerstone Wont Load

After Update to Pro 6.5.2, Cornerstone Wont Load on my website. I’ve reinstalled Wordpress 6.6 and ive reinstalled Pro but that didnt help. Ive disabled all plugins but that didn’t help. I see the same issues in chrome incognito browser and other browsers. There’s no caching plugin on the site. Php is version 8.1.x. In the chrome dev console, I see some react errors.

Can you help? I can let you the website.

Hi @Tech4Eleven,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have checked your website and found the issue you described here. As you have already performed the test by deactivating the plugin, I would suggest you please copy your live site to a staging server so we could troubleshoot freely without breaking your live site.
And give us access to the secure note including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.


Thank you for the update. It is OK to make the changes on this live site so please go ahead and proceed accordingly.


I suspect that there’s a problem with REST API on your server. With that said, you need to contact them regarding that matter.

Hope that helps.

See my secure note as well.

@Charlie, are you saying you see this on my website or what?

Hey @Tech4Eleven,

Yes, what Charlie mentioned in your secure note is found on your website. See my secure note for more information.

Hope that helps.

I dont know why this would be but my web host just fixed it. they found that the site was missing an htaccess file and adding one fixed the rest api which restored cornerstone.

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Hey @Tech4Eleven,

We’re glad that it is now working properly on your end. I also suggest that you check all the files for any malicious coding.

Hope that helps.

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