Adding to offset of anchor position

I have been trying to add to the anchor offset position when an additional sticky menu is used on some pages. I am using the Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll plugin.

I am trying to use the code referenced on Transparent Navbar Parallax Scroll - Support - Themeco Forum

  window.csGlobal.csHooks.filter('ready', function() {
    window.csGlobal.csHooks.filter('hash_scrolling_offset', function(offset) {
      return offset + $('.sticky-sub-menu').height();

It doesn’t seem to work though.

Is this code still valid or has something changed in a recent release? I am using version 8.3.3

Is there a particular place I should be adding this? I have tried in the Page JS and Global JS sections as well as an external JS file, but none seem to work.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

I am working locally, so I don’t have a URL to share ATM.

Hi @sienadigital,

Thanks for reaching out!

The code should be added in the Global JS Section. The code from the other thread serves as a starting point for the customization and even though the code is coming from the forum, we don’t really support any enhancement. Please note that custom development is outside the scope of our support. Issues that might arise from the use of custom code and further enhancements should be directed to a third-party developer or you can avail One where we can answer questions outside of the features of our theme.

Hope that helps and thank you for understanding.

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