Adding GTM code to X Pro Theme for Dummies

Hi there! I don’t know any code so please talk to me like I’m stupid :slight_smile:
I have GTM code, but I don’t know how to add it. Can someone instruct me? I’m good at following instructions :slight_smile: Thanks!

Hey Kelly,

Thanks for reaching out!

To install Google Tag Manager in your website, I suggest that you use the official google site kit plugin.

Hope that helps.

Thank you. I just received a snippet of GTM code to put on my site, and I don’t know where to put it. Will this site kit help me know where to put it?

It was from my digital marketing person.

Hello Kelly,

In case you want to insert the GTM code, please have a look at this thread to learn more about how to insert the code or you may use the plugin as suggested by my colleague @marc_a. Please have a look at this documentation to learn more about how to set up Google Site Kit.

Hope that helps.

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