Add underline on hover for hyperlinks

Dear X theme support, I wish to add a underline for text links when viewer hovers over link (word).

I added the custom CSS you reccommended from this topic:

But it adds an underline that is permanenent, I want it to appear only when viewer scrolls over word as the code you kindly supplied me previously:

Can you offer any advice, many thanks


Hi There,

Would you mind providing us with the URL of that page and some screenshots?

Thank you.

The Url of the page is:

And screenshot is:

I would like the hyperlink marked in red to behalf the same way as the hyperlink marked in green

many thanks


Hi @KingHenry,

You mean make it underline upon hover and make it green as well? If yes, please change this custom CSS

a.underlined {
    text-decoration: underline !important;

to this

a.underlined:hover {
    text-decoration: underline !important;
   color: green !important;


That is brilliant thank you so much, sorry I do have one last query to make:

The the hyperlinks links marked in the blue box (shown in the screenshot) what CSS wouild have to be applied for same effect?

Sorry Rad, what would the CSS be to make the Green underline hide (disappear) on hover?

Hi @KingHenry,

Ah, thanks for clarification, with that, you’ll need this CSS.

a.underlined {
    text-decoration: underline !important;
a.underlined:hover {
    text-decoration: none !important;


kust what I wanted, Thank You.

You’re welcome!

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