Add Telegram to x social

How can I add telegram to x social?
icon, title, link

Hello @salilou,

It would require a slight customization to add a social link that is not present in the Social Links option in the Theme Options.

To do it, Please install and activate the child theme and login through FTP then edit the functions.php then add this code:

add_filter('x_social_global_after', 'add_custom_social', 10, 2);

function add_custom_social($output) {

	$telegram_link = '#';
	$telegram = '<a href="' . $telegram_link . '" class="rss" title="Telegram" target="_blank"><i class="x-icon-telegram" data-x-icon-b="&#xf2c6;" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>';

	$output .= $telegram;
    return $output;

Please replace # in the code above with the URL to your Telegram account.

Kindly note that since this is a custom code that changes the default behavior/display of the theme, you will be responsible to maintain or update the code in case you require further changes or if the code stops working in future updates. If you are uncertain how to proceed, it would be best to get in touch with a developer.

Hope this helps.

Thank you!

You’re most welcome.

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