I have some custom css embed code from monotype fonts. They don’t allow downloading font files so I must embed the code on the site. However, I want these fonts to show up on the system font dropdown so I can assign it to a template on the site. It’s supremely annoying trying to figure this out on my own. I seem to be getting hung up not knowing how to register the fonts properly so they can be recognized by the system. Look at this code from the Dev Toolkit > Font Config:
"googleSubsets": [],
"typekitKitID": "",
"typekitItems": [],
"customFontItems": [
"family": "PF Marlet Display",
"stack": "\"pf-marlet-display\"",
"files": [
"id": 14,
"url": "https://veliciae.com/wp-content/uploads/ PFMarletDisplay-Medium.woff2",
"filename": "PFMarletDisplay-Medium.woff2",
"mime": "font/woff2",
"weight": "500",
"style": "regular"
"id": 15,
"url": "https://veliciae.com/wp-content/uploads/ PFMarletDisplay-Medium.woff",
"filename": "PFMarletDisplay-Medium.woff",
"mime": "font/woff",
"weight": "500",
"style": "regular"
"_id": "6691b1f10b5f7"
"customFontFaceCSS": "",
"fontDisplay": "auto"
I think something is supposed to go in “customFontFaceCSS” but I don’t know exactly how to implement this. Any ideas?