Action simple link doesn't work on text in slider revolution


I’ am working on a slider for a new website. Normally it is not a problem to make a simple link with the action button on a text element but for some reason it doesn’t work anymore. I already updated the slider plugin and the latest version of X theme.
Can you help me with this problem?

Kind regards,


Hello @macvink,

Thanks for writing to us.

I tried to access your site’s dashboard but unfortunately, the given credentials are not working. Please recheck and send us again.

Please make sure you have set the “Interaction” as “Mouse Event”, “Action type” as “Simple Link”.



I activated de action link just like you show me but it doesn’t work.

I will give you a new acces code for my website.

Kind regards,


Hello @macvink,

I checked your site it seems that the links are rendering on the frontend please have a look at the screenshot given below.

But there is a shaps rendering on your slider and that is covering the link on the text. I would suggest you crop the image properly and align it a little bit down so that the link is visible and clickable on the frontend or you need to increase the z-index value of the link layer.

Please have a look at the given screenshot below.

Hope it helps

YES! It’s a .png file so the background transparancy i see doesn’t work that way in the global layer because it’s in the front.
I am going to bring the image into each slide in a new layer and put the textlink button above all layers in that slide.

Thanks it’s clear to me now!!!

Awesome! Glad we were able to help, @macvink!

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