ACF value not working in cornerstone page builder

Hi there,

I’m using ACF in combination with posts and components.
There is just one true/false field (out of 15) that is not working.

If you edit a post and change the value of that specific true/false field, the change is not even saved when you publish the post. It works for all the other true/false fields except this one.

Hello @ArtOfSpring,

Thanks for writing in!

Your condition should be a number like {{dc:acf:post_field field="klaus"}} == 1. I have inspected your single layout by the way but I could not find the element that bears this condition.

Best Regards.

Hi there, that’s exactly what I have in place. The element that bears the condition is within components named: “Profile”.

Hey @ArtOfSpring,

The condition should be a number.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Hi there, that didn’t work. Also the condition “string” is working for the other profiles. Just not for this one. One other strange thing is that this ACF true/false field can’t be saved as selected. If you select in in a post and save the changes and then reload the page it appears unselected. That’s only happening for this one field “Klaus Wieland”. All the others work as intended although they are set up the same way.

Hey @ArtOfSpring,

This is a weird issue with ACF Pro. It doesn’t output anything because the field becomes unselected.

Please copy your live site to a staging site and provide the staging URL so we can investigate further.

Please just note that we cannot guarantee a solution. The best we could do in case of complex issues is to report in our issue tracker. My colleague assigned with the bundled plugins will report to the ACF Pro author.
