I am trying to use dynamic data from ACF Pro in a Single Layout and the field type Relationship is not showing in the preview and two other fields which do show in the preview do not show on the front end.
What am trying to achieve is as follows. I have two Post Categories - Memorials and Casualties, each of which has an ACF Pro field group.
Memorials has the following fields:
Location (Text)
Town (Text)
Casualties (Relationship - relationship to the Post category = Casualties). This field can have multiple results.
Name (Text)
Rank (Text)
Memorial (Relationship - relationship to Post category = Memorials). This will display a single memorial
When creating a new post for either Memorials or Casualties, I see the correct ACF Pro fields and can select the expected data from the relationship fields.
In Cornerstone I have a simple Section > Row > Column set up with three text elements in the column. Each text element uses dynamic data in the format {{dc:acf:post_field field="name"}}
(with the ACF Pro field as the field name.
In the Memorials Single Layout preview I can see the ACF fields Name and Rank, but the relationship field displays nothing. On the front end there is nothing at all showing for the individual posts.
Any help is gratefully received. Details in a Secure Note.