ACF Post Type & Taxonomy not creating archive?

I am at a loss, and I hope you can help.

I have an ACF post type & taxonomy created, but when adding a plugin to Filter post types/taxonomy, this plugin does not find an archive query.

My template, is assigned to “All Archives”, and the template does show properly, BUT why cant the filer plugin FIND the queries? I reached out to the plugin dev first and they said that my ACF Post Types were not creating archives.

Have you heard of this?

whats odd is that on my dev site, this worked fine. BUT, on the live site I am having this issue:

DEV site setup shows query:

LIVE site shows NO query… this is setup exactly the same as the dev site:

The plugin dev says that the querys are not found because the archive doesnt exist.

Hey Riceman,

Thanks for reaching out!

If you’re creating the post type using ACF, please ensure that the archive settings are enabled. Additionally, if you can provide the live and dev site credentials, we’d be happy to take a look. However, please note that we cannot guarantee any fixes, as this is a third-party integration and falls outside the scope of our theme support.

Thanks for taking a look. I realize this is a third-party plugin that is not “seeing” the query. But I believe its ACF that failed to actually create the Query. Its a little confusing and I am at a loss as to why the archive query is not available. Any help is appreciated. credentials attached.

Hey @uxmediahouse,

You are having the issue because the Archive is turned OFF.

has_archive bool|string

Whether there should be post type archives, or if a string, the archive slug to use. Will generate the proper rewrite rules if $rewrite is enabled. Default false.

Best Regards.

Thanks… I should have mentioned that I have tried turning this on, but there are still no archive/queries generated. Why would that be? I had it off and on, and seem to have left it off when you took a look.

I did create a NEW Post Type named “Test Post Type”, and selected “Archive” upon creation, thinking that I may have missed doing that with the creation of “Business Listing” post type. But…as you can see below, no archive/query seems to be created.

also, as i said, when going to the “Business Listing” post type and selecting “archive” saving and then also saving the current permalink structure, i still do not have an archive/query available. there seems to be an error with the creation of this across the board?

Hey Riceman,

When it is turned ON, it should be like this:

Then, it creates the archive page as well.

  • See the link in the secure note below
