ACF Google Map fields in the Themeco map element

I have custom posts with an ACF field group with a Google Map field. I’m able to get the lat/long from those fields in a similar method to this thread. My testing tree looks like this:

  • div (looper provider, pulling my custom post type)
    • div (looper consumer)
      • div (looper provider, using dynamic content > {{dc:post:meta key=“location”}} | {{dc:acf:post_field field=“location”}} (I’m not clear on the difference between these two fields, but they seem to work the same in this context))
        • text element (looper consumer with {{dc:looper:field key=“lat”}} | …key=“lng”}})

This all works as expected. However, with the map element, the only element that I can add are map markers so it doesn’t seem like I can reach the second “level” without parent loopers. I’m trying to map all of these custom posts on one map, but creating parent loopers will replicate the map (i.e., one map per post, with one pin per map).

How can I access these fields?

Well, then. It looks like someone asked this question between the time I searched and the time I wrote this. Unless there’s something new in my question, it seems this is a redundant thread and can be closed.

Hi Andy,

It seems that the issue is similar and the answer given by Charlie works for you.


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